I have had homemade carnitas at a Mexican friend's house and Del Real has really done a great job of making theirs taste authentic.
These carnitas are juicy, tender and have just the right amount of seasoning and flavor!
Aside from the delicious taste, my favorite thing about this for dinner is that all I have to do is microwave the fully cooked pork for 8 minutes! (Once hot, let stand for 2 minutes)
If you want make arepas you can! Just get some Harina P.A.N., (I prefer the white over the yellow) and follow the instructions on the bag. (I add a little oil to make the dough a little softer).
I know you'll love this meal! Mmm! Enjoy!
Product links:
http://www.delrealfoods.com/product_pages/carnitas.htm (Costco carries Del Real Foods products).
http://www.mylatinfood.com/uno.php?k=4&i=HAR001&p=1&c=10 (I'm generally able to find Harina P.A.N. at Mexican markets).
OMG!!! I must have an arepa with this carnitas right now! What I'm I saying? I want 5 arepas, not 1!!! Yum...Thanks for sharing the link, will try this meat asap...