

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I've Decided to Stop Poisoning My Family

Yes, I was poisoning my family. Isn't that horrible?

When my husband and I got married we bought a nice set of pans at Macy's. We didn't know anything about cooking so we were led by brand, appearance and price figuring the more expensive, the better the pans. Since we didn't know hot to cook we figured we should go with ease and chose the non-stick pans. Little did I know we had started poisoning ourselves. See, at high temperatures, non-stick cookware releases PFOA's, a toxic chemical that is a carcinogen linked to low birth weights. 

I hate cooking, but when my daughter was born I started cooking a lot more and simultaneously learned all about the evils of non-stick cookware, threw them out, and bought a set of stainless steel pots and pans. The next morning, when I made... tried to make scrambled eggs I almost cried. One of the few things I'd always known how to cook just right, was all stuck to the pan. I washed it and tried again. Same result. For a week I tried the stainless steel pans, even "treating" them with oil salt and whatever else the Internet said. After a month and a lot of frustration I went to Costco and bought a new set of non-stick pans. Ahhh, the sweet relief of scrambled eggs sliding right off that pan! 

I used those new non-stick pans for four years. I cooked delicious (okay, acceptable) meals for my husband and my children, feeling pangs of guilt that didn't allow me to fully enjoy our meals... Was I making my child infertile or giving them Cancer with those meals? 

But I have corrected course -- two weeks ago I purchased a set of Green Earth Pans...

These pans by Ozeri Ceramic, though non-stick, don't contain PFOA's or any other toxic chemicals. 

I've been using the pans for a week and so far I love them. Being careful never use metal utensils on them so as not to scratch them, I can make scrambled eggs, pancakes and crepes without any of it sticking. Yay! Cleaning the ceramic surface is super easy too! 

I still don't enjoy cooking, but I can finally enjoy watching my family eat! 

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